Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Reality Bites

Is it just me or is it just way too much realism in movies these days ? Or is it just plain blood and gore under the cover of reality?
If Paruthi Veeran's heroine getting nailed to the wall kindof shocked me,Apocalypto left me absolutely dazed. I haven't seen that much blood and brutality onscreen in a long time. Ripping a still-beating heart out of a man( and the director takes his own sweet time in showing the ripped out beating heart ,covered with blood,from all angles),blood gushing out of a head wound, jaguar tearing a man's face to pieces,balls being pulled out of a dead boar..yea you want more of this,you should watch Apocalypto.Its a bloodbath.
After that fiasco,I decided to watch Babel.Pretty decent movie with 3 stories that seemed to have some contrived connection to each other.But ,then again,even this guy couldnt resist sticking to the reality norm.Wringing a hen's neck and plucking off its head, stitching the heroine's gun shot wound using a heated needle(of course,no anaesthisia,she was alive and kicking and screaming all the while).
Reality Bites.When is the next Captain movie being released? Nothing like some serious humor to get me back to earth.


posted by Couch Potato at 5/08/2007 03:12:00 PM, |


ithukku thaan GAP10 sevai, naatukku thevai. But i dont like that jandhu TR